P.C.E.A Syokimau Church - Presbyterian Church Men's Fellowship (PCMF)

“Never lacking in Zeal, be fervent in spirit, serving the Lord with a heart full of devotion.”
[Romans 12:11]

Our Mission

A fellowship that serves God and spreads his love to the worlds through stewardship.

Our Vision

To be a men unifying force in Christian faith, spiritual growth and wellness.

About PCMF

At the 1973 General Assembly in the Report on Stewardship it was reported that: ‘There has been great pressure from men to form their own organisation with the aim of bringing men together as a united Christian force, for fellowship, exchange of ideas concerning matters of faith, witness and service to Jesus Christ and other men.
A resolution was passed as contained in Min. 1154, MEN’S ORGANISATION, as follows: ‘The General Assembly learns with great interest the men’s wish to form a men’s organisation in the Church. The General Assembly directs the Stewardship Committee to draft a suitable constitution and present it to the Business Committee for ratification and action.’
This resolution was never implemented until 1987. The Session of St Andrews Church, Nairobi, felt the need to strengthen the congregational witness of the Parish members. Sadly, it discovered that the majority of the churchmen, apart from a small percentage of those who are Deacons or Elders, do not have a recognised forum or springboard from which their individual and corporate contribution could be utilised in the Church. As a result, the Session decided to form a men’s organisation to address this problem.


Membership is open to every man who joins the Church. The membership is graduated along the following three key levels:
Admitted Member- Card Level
This is the entry level for all men. Upon joining, one is issued with a membership card. While at this stage, members are walked through a holistic journey that captures spiritual and social facets, all geared towards ensuring a solid grounding on Godly values.
Dedicated Member- Badge Level
upon making notable progress at the Card Level, and having been registered in the Holy Communion Register, one is awarded a Badge; a key insignia of PCMF that accords one a cherished ambassador position.
Commisioned Member- Tie Level
This marks the accolade of full membership with the Group. This is given at a church ceremony officiated by the Minister, whereupon one also receives the Maroon Blazer.


  • Patron - Elder Daniel Ngunjiri Waweru
  • Chairman - Mr. Paul Ngarangari.
  • Vice Chair - Mr. Joseph Murungi.
  • Treasurer - Mr. Joseph Kabue Gitau.
  • Vice Treasurer - Mr. Lawrence Muita Kaigi.
  • Secretary - Mr. Samuel Gachingiri.
  • Vice Secretary - Samuel M. Njuguna.

Roles Of PCMF

  • Be a source of Christ’s light to men within and without the Church
  • Draw men to Christ, nurture and equip them with godly attributes to attain a rounded transformation.
  • Equip and offer opportunities for men to spread the gospel of Christ.
  • Mercy mission; extend in kind Christ’s love to those hurting/in need in the society
  • Mentor the Boy Child/Young Men within and without the Church.
  • Bolster men’s bonding with each other so that unity is attained in the church.
  • Champion the society on taking care of the environment.


  • Men have attained a remarkable transformation on their spiritual and social life.
  • Partly this has enabled men to play the role of being Priests in their homes with ease and on solid godly attributes.
  • Significant membership growth..
  • Mentorship of Young/Boy Child. PCMF has invested heavily towards creating the desired change amongst this group, and every year a series of events are carried out.
  • Helped men in the church achieve a higher level of bonding amongst themselves hence cohesions
  • The Group has made a significant foot stamp in driving forward developments in the church