P.C.E.A Syokimau Church - Boys’ and the Girls’ Brigade

“Sure and Steadfast (Boys Motto )”
[Hebrews 6:19]
“Seek, serve & Follow Christ (Girls Motto )”
[Mt.7:7, Lk.2:52)]

Our Mission

To be a Global Model Brigade.

Our Vision

To train Officers who would see the implementation of Boys and Girls Brigades Motto that; through the four (4) square program that involves the Spiritual, Physical, Education and Social as major activities.


The Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade were Formed because of a Sunday school teacher Sir W.A Smith. The Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade is a uniform Christian organization, denominational, interdenominational, national and international. It is built on two pillars: (Religion and Discipline) the movement later spread to other countries through the mission that were established by the Missionaries. In 1909, Dr J.W Arthur started the first PCEA Boys’ Brigade Company at Kikuyu Mission.


Since 1909 – 1965, the missionaries planted the Brigade work in the companies (congregation) and school mission area. In 1985 the Eleventh General Assembly instructed the Youth Department to start more companies in all the Presbyteries. The purpose being to curb the children who run away after church school, by creating the activities to retain them in the church. This was achieved in 1997, where the 15th General Assembly under resolution 2540 noted with appreciation, the introduction of the Brigade in all presbyteries, and considered it as a standing committee of the church..


  • Patron - Elder Stephen Mutie
  • Chairman - Mrs. Dorothy N. Njunge
  • Vice Chair - Mr. David Ndumia Mutitu
  • Treasurer - Miss. Phoebe Nyokabi Kahura
  • Secretary - Mr. Peter Kamau
  • Vice Secretary - Mrs. Susan Wanjiru Ngari

Mission Beleifs

  • We are the choice for disciplined youth.
  • We provide fun, meaningful with our changing world. and challenging activities.
  • We teach, preach Christianity, and live it.
  • We are committed to serve the community.
  • We are enterprising, in tune.
  • We engage our stockholders.
  • We are for promotion of education, relief of poverty, and protection of children’s rights.
  • We are served and led by the volunteers.